Get guidance from therapists who are experts in scoliosis and spinal management
Spinal assessment
Seeing an expert in spinal conditions such as scoliosis or for postural concerns is key to receiving the best treatment for you or your child.
Our assessment does not require a referral.
Our team want to know more about you to find out how we can help, listening to your main concerns and goals for treatment forms an important part of your assessment.
Our highly trained and experienced practitioners provide a consult service for those with scoliosis and similar spine conditions to help better guide you in the right direction towards best treatment. Along with your specialist will over-see you care from start to finish.
Where applicable, clients will have the following assessments;
- FREE (bulk billed) low-radiation EOS radiograph which is required to measure the angle of the curve known as Cobb Angle and rotation, as well as other postural measures, and,
- FREE MRI through our research partners (must fit research inclusion criteria) and,
- FREE back strength testing (must fit research inclusion criteria)
- Measurement of trunk inclination using a device called a Scoliometer/Inclinometer
- Postural photos (if the patient is happy for us to do so)
This assessment information provides invaluable information to assist us in your treatment planning.​ Together, we will discuss treatment options, and a suitable treatment program will be developed. Treatment decisions are based on our clinical expertise, your preferences, current best-practice and researched treatment options and discussion with the multi-disciplinary team. Our therapists follow the International Guidelines on Scoliosis Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Treatment (SOSORT) applying the Practical Approach Scheme (PAS).
Treatment options may include:
Routine monitoring of the curvature, possible referral for further investigations
Back pain treatment and management with our Physiotherapist Exeval to address symptoms and functional concerns, if present
In most cases, specialised exercise therapy programs taken by our Exercise Therapist Belle to lessen progression rate/stabilise curves/address symptoms and improve brace effect
Referral to Orthotist Grace for progressive curvatures, a brace is worn to try and stop the curve(s) from progressing/ partially correct
Referral to our network of surgeons for surgical opinion for patients with major curves causing discomfort or other health problems
Rehabilitation to prepare for or recover post surgery
Our clinic regularly reviews your outcomes with re-assessment of Cobb angle (at particular intervals to assess curve stability) and other radiographic measures (where applicable), Scoliometer/Inclinometer (spinal rotation or forward flexion), Photographs and postural evaluation system, Functional Movement Analysis, Visual Analog Scale (pain levels) and Scoliosis Research Society Questionnaire (quality of life).
Our team will continue to keep in touch with your treating medical team and adjust treatment accordingly to ensure optimal results.
Unsure if you or your child has a postural condition? Not to worry, our team can help!
Click here for information about posture screening